Final & Evaluation

I think our finished film is excellent, I knew at the start of the project that it was a very ambitious task however I feel we have accomplished it even with a missing group member. At the start of the project there was 3 group members unfortunately ‘Gio” left leaving me and Adam with a lot of work to catch up on as well as filing and editing our project. I learnt a lot from ‘Gio’ leaving; as he said he would do the editing adam and myself could take a step back this was completely wrong and not professional as when ‘Gio’ left, myself and adam was literally thrown into the deep end however I feel adam and myself came back stronger than ever to create this brilliant stop motion animation advert. When we told one of our media teachers about our idea she was excited but myself and adam knew she thought it was ambitious I feel this made us even more determined to prove we could do it. Our media teacher really inspired us when she showed us a scene from ‘Notting Hill’ it was exactly what we wanted. After we came back from filming we showed our media teacher the footage of myself walking down in four 4 different sets of clothes. She explained we should keep it like ‘notting hill’ (wearing the same clothes) as it was much more surreal and mysterious. I was skeptical at first but I believe that made our ‘ad’ look so much better. 

If I was going to do the advert again I would try and make the seasons look more realistic I feel the ‘snow’ scene in our animation was second to none and probably the best opening 10 seconds out of the animation however I do not feel we kept that consistency though out the advert as winter is a typical time of the year (Christmas and snow) it was easy to add these effects in however for spring I feel myself and adam was stuck for ideas as it started to look a bit like autumn so I would give us more time to think about how to stereotype each season. However I feel myself and Adam done well with what we had changing the filter colours with editing - even though Adam was the main editor I always offered opinions and sometimes even edited myself e.g the blur into the seasons after I had drunk the drink. I would also obviously have a third member in the group to help with necessary paper work and editing filming.

I feel our groups planning was brilliant, we always stayed in contact through technology; facebook, mobiles email. We also had regular meetings to discuss progress and how we could take the advert to the next stage/level. I feel we succeeded though when we exchanged time tables meaning we could see when we were busy and when we were free for filming/editing. Looking back on our planning we really stayed to the storyboards every scene was planned out from the start. Myself and Adam have learnt a lot from this project and I felt extremely comfortable working with him we never argued and always listened to each others points. I feel our advert can be related back to ‘Notting hill’ however we have taken it that bit further by using stop motion.   

The type of animation we used was; pixilation we used various camera techniques in our ad, I feel our advert could easily be on tv with a few adjustments. I feel our frame rate was excellent we concentrated a lot on our fps as we both agreed it would ruin the ad. if they were bad. I feel we took a bit too long on the editing and I could feel our teacher felt a bit let down as we took a lot longer to edit than other groups did one reason for this was the project was so ambitious and the other reason was myself and Adam was not comfortable at all editing. However we battled through and had a good finished piece. My role in the group was mainly acting however I was director. I feel this was a mistake as I feel Adam (leading camera man) should have taken this responsibility as it was hard for me to see all shots what we took, as it wasted time.  If i was to asses 2 weaknesses of our advert it would be; too repetitive some people may find it quite boring. Looking back i don't feel the drinks can was shown enough in the advert. 2 strengths would be there is clearly a change of season in our advert which was a major goal and aim. Another strength would be our frame rate almost looks like digital film because its so smooth. 

When myself and Adam was editing we both agreed that we would like ‘coca-colas’ ‘holidays are coming soundtrack’ to feature in our advert as this we felt was symbolic to Christmas especially for teens (as they grew up with that advert). Around Christmas time you always see tweets and status’s saying ‘Christmas is here, I have just seen the coca-cola advert’. We thought this would be such a great feature for our ad. I emailed the coca cola marketing team explaining the project; however they were very reluctant to give us permission. This was quite a big set back as we always imagined that soundtrack to be in our ad, however like all setbacks we faced through the project we came up with something 

When filming and editing myself and adam always looked back at this image as this conveyed exactly what we wanted our animation to be like exactly the same set, but with different colours and seasons. This image really helped us when editing as it kept us on the correct path.

Responses from audience - 

Christian - "I feel the animation was to a good standard however when watching it in full screen the video is very blurry. This i feel is not very professional and ruins the advert for me. However the story behind the advert is amazing and yourself and adam have done a great job as im sure it would have been very hard to make your ideas come to life. 

I feel christians feedback was very fair, myself and adam will look into the fact why the quality is so bad and maybe speak to the media technician regarding exporting it in 1080p meaning it will not lose quality when maximized. However i dont feel this ruins the ad and that was quite harsh. 

Charlotte Hewitt - I think your advert is really good because your film supports the product and the slogan. I like how you used the same location for each season but then used different things to make it look like summer, autumn, winter and spring. The soundtrack is good because you have mixed different songs together that can be recognized by your audience. The stop motion flows well and looks effective in the advert, there is a good mix of live action and stop motion. To improve I you could use a can at the beginning with a printed,logo of seasons so it's the same at the end.

I feel charlottes feedback was very positive and it was nice to know that she could tell the difference from the seasons and what the advert was trying to convey. I feel she is right regarding the drinks can because we should of had the same drinks container. 

I showed my advert to many friends and family i then expressed their key words into a wordle. 

Overall I feel myself and Adam should be proud of the work we produced, I like to think of it as a football match where your teams player is sent off - its the biggest set back, and hard to come back and stay in the game. I feel we gelled the best in the class we never argued and rarely disagreed. After speaking with teachers I feel in a way It was good ‘Gio’ left as it gave myself and adam much more responsibility. The project was so ambitious and got that bit more ambitious when ‘Gio’ left. I haven’t just come out of this project with a good advert, I've also come out with a good friend. 

Sending our work to an external company

Comparing Our Advert To Other Adverts 

I feel this ad relates to us obviously because it comes under the food and drink category. Like our ad its very surreal it also seems like a modern Jan Svankmajer piece with the food and sound effects. I feel the frame rate is better than my ad however i feel my ad has more of a story to it.  Another similarity to my ad is the stop motion i feel they have used stop motion to there advantage, ie the chopping of the dollar bill where as when we filmed we tried to take so many pictures to make it like a digital film i feel this was a mistake and something i would definitely change. 

Response from Christian Tosetti Regarding Focus Group 

 1)  What soft drink adverts have stuck in your head and why? - 
Coca Cola - Holidays are coming as i've watched that advert for as long as i can remember

  2)  What is your favourite animation you’ve ever seen in a drinks advert?
Haven't seen one however my favourite animation technique is claymation as this was used in chicken run. 

  3)  Has an advert ever persuaded you to drink a product you’ve never tried before? 
Yes it has almost every product i have bought has been advertised. 

  4)  Do you prefer touching or funny adverts and why?- 
I prefer funny adverts as i feel things that are funny make time go quicker meaning the adverts will finish quicker meaning i can get back to watching my TV show. 

  5)  What’s the worst soft drink advert you’ve ever seen and why?
Not sure

  6)  What’s the worst advert EVER that you’ve seen?
'Hate something change something' honda advert

  7)  What’s the best advert EVER that you’ve seen and why?
Coca cola - holidays are coming. 
  8)  What are your favourite colours for a soft drink brand? Why?
Bright illuminated colours. 

  9)  What makes you want to buy a soft drink? Why do you choose the drinks you choose?
Taste brand price, i choose the drinks i choose because i trust them.  

  10)  Real life or animation? 

                                                  Animation as its different. 

After interviewing chris i will take all this information on board and show my production team.

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