Sunday 30 September 2012

Report On My First Ever Flip Book & Video

My flip book was very simple. I based it around clocks as I thought it was very easy to do as its only a circle and some arrows. I tried to make it a bit more complex by adding some numbers so they came and then passed just like time. I then made the the arrows move I feel this was a much better attempt than the numbers as it was more smooth and it flowed much better. I feel my frame rates were good for each different picture I made sure there was at least 2-3 post It notes to duplicate the changed picture. I feel this is what made my hands on the clock move so well. Regarding the persistence of vision you can see a gap and change of slide however I feel It would become more seamless if I had more post it noes equalling more frames per second (FPS). I have learnt your animation can be the best technical drawing however it can be ruined by the slightest lighting change or shadows. Light is the worst thing for stop motion as this can make or break your art. I have also learnt how hard it is to duplicate each image even the circles after drawing so many they start to vary in size. Although It could be classed as cheating in a way but I feel if we could photocopy are images/drawings. It would be so much easier to make a flawless and seamless animation. As the drawings would be identical and you could print as many images as you wanted meaning more frames per second.

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