Tuesday 11 December 2012

2A Research Initial Idea

2A Research Initial Idea 

After being paired into our groups we decided that we wanted an advert not an ident. We discussed all kinds of genres from sports to news to food to toys. I said some of the best adverts were drinks thinking of 'holidays are coming from coca cola'. We agreed a drink we wasn't sure if it was to be a made up brand or a real brand. We then needed to choose what animation technique we would use. After watching t-shirt wars i convinced my group this was definitely the way forward. We then decided to make our own drinks company as we would base that around our advert. 

We decided it would be cool to have an advert showing the 'change of seasons'. Resulting in calling our brand "C.O.S" - Change Of Seasons. I feel the change of seasons drinks products would be relevant all year round as product sales I would hope would stay the same unlike 'Pimms' where its only popular for a couple of months of the season. The purpose of the 'COS' advert is to make it clear the drink can be drunk on the coldest day of the year or the hottest day of the year. 

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