Monday 8 October 2012

Eadweard Muybridge Edison (Kinetoscope)

Born: 9th April 1830.

Died: 8th May 1904.


Eadweard is known as the father of the motion picture. His work has inspired many with his work of “The Horse In Motion” this is regarded the first ever animation or moving picture. He was involved in a big coach crash when he was just 30 he got thrown out of the coach hitting his head on a rock. This crash changed his life completely he struggled mentally and physically he had symptom’s such as; double vision, confused thinking and problems with his taste and smell.

The Horse In Motion:

He done the work for Stanford University as they argued a horse was airborne when running. Edison set up wet plates that produced highly unexposed plates. Which proved Stanford’s theory was correct all four legs did leave the floor.

The Zoopraxiscope:

Eadweard invented a product that projected his work to a
screen so you could argue that he created the first projector.

He created the illusion of movement by; setting up a series of fifty cameras parallel to the racetrack. Doing this connected their electrically controlled shutters to trip wires laid across the track, he set the cameras up so each one automatically took the picture when the horse ran passed.  

After researching Edward I am truly shocked how creative the man was. He created a motion system in the eighteen hundreds his work spans across the whole world and in many industries he created trip wires, animations and even projectors.

His work is used in security systems where if you stand on a certain object it trips alerting guards and turning on lights and cameras.

The intended audience for his work nowadays is historians and people interested in how photography and technology started. Back in the eighteen hundreds it would have been scientists like Stanford. His work made theory’s become facts he started a revolution of animation as people like Tim Burton would not be the people they are today. I feel this man was a genius and hasn’t had the fame he deserves he has created so much when resources wasn’t there for him. It could be improved nowadays by more fps. 

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