Monday 8 October 2012

Joseph Plateau

Joseph Plateau was a belgian physicist and he He was the first person to demonstrate the illusion of a moving image. To do this he used counter rotating disks with repeating drawn images in small increments of motion on one and regularly spaced slits in the other. He called this device 'The Phenakistoscope' he created this device in 1832. 

The device he created was an updated version of a device called 'The Stroboscope' Both devices gave the illusion of a moving image. 
The Phenakistoscope consisted of two disks, one with small equidistant radial windows, through which the viewer could look, and another containing a sequence of images. When the two disks rotated at the correct speed, the windows would match up with other windows to create the illusion of moving images, and the images created an animated effect. The projection of stroboscopic photographs, creating the illusion of motion, eventually led to the development of cinema.

The technique of the phenakistoscope has been brought a long way since it was created now there is more frames per second so that there is a smoother animation. The Phenakistoscope had about 13 frames in total, were as now most animations operate between 24 to 28 frames to have a smoother playback were as if you only had 13 frames per second in the modern animations today the playback would look jumpy and not real or natural like a running film.

I think plateau as excellent again people havent given plateau the recognition he deserves people like Edward Muybridge wouldn't have got the inspiration from anywhere else. Withut the Moving image Aardman Studios wouldn't have existed today, films like chicken run wouldn't be with us today. 

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